Je leert de biomechanische stoornissen van het pariëtaal systeem en het visceraal systeem die ontstaan zijn als gevolg van de emotionele thema’s vast te stellen en te behandelen. De behandeling bestaat uit manuele technieken welke het fasciaal systeem beïnvloeden. ... Meer lezen
In our Online Course Modules "Upper Limb Focus: Stiff Shoulder, Elbow and Wrist & Hand" by UK expert clinicians Andrew Cuff and Thomas Mitchell we will help you to improve your clinical reasoning for the upper limb from the comfort of your home. They have taught thousands of phy ... Meer lezen
This comprehensive video course is open to Physiotherapists, Osteopaths, Podiatrists, Sports Therapists & Chiros and aims to review the effectiveness and risk factors of Shockwave Therapy as an evidence-based application for ongoing and chronic tendinopathies ... Meer lezen
Are you tired of following yet another shoulder course that actually makes things more complex when all you wanted was clarity? In our Online Course “Rotator Cuff-related Shoulder Pain” by expert clinician and top shoulder researcher Filip Struyf we help you to distinguish nonse ... Meer lezen
Claim your seat on our online course “Discovering Fascia” by anatomist Karl Jacobs to explore the world of Fascia – from its embryological offspring to its different functions in the body and practical implications. Including live dissections and never-seen-before footage! ... Meer lezen
If you are unsure what you or your athlete should eat, drink & how to train, sleep and prepare before, during & after competition, then this online course is a MUST for you! ... Meer lezen
Claim your seat on our online course “Central Sensitisation in Chronic Pain: From the Lab to the Clinic” by top pain researcher Jo Nijs To Finally Learn How to get Patients with Central Sensitization Back on Track ... Meer lezen
In our Online Course ” Headache Treatment in Clinical Practice” by top headache researcher René Castien from the Vrije University of Amsterdam we help you to become an expert in the clinical treatment of different forms of headaches. ... Meer lezen
Claire Robertson has helped thousands of professionals around the world to assess & treat patellofemoral pain and fat pad irritation by providing on-site courses throughout the years. Finally, she is sharing her knowledge online in her only complete 2-day online version of her co ... Meer lezen
Illuminon Leergang Fysiotherapie en Medicatie. Een unieke leergang met een praktische beroepsspecifieke all-you-need-to-know insteek. ... Meer lezen
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