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Webinar Lower Limb Tendinopathy

kosten: 40
Vakdomein: Algemeen, Manueel, Sport
Accreditatiepunten: 3
Cursusvorm: Online cursus

Webinar Lower limb tendinopathy

Tendinopathy (pain and dysfunction in a tendon) is a common complaint presenting to clinicians. It can be persistent and resistant to treatment. Understanding the pathology and pain and the role of different loads in tendinopathy is essential to provide the clinician with scientific approaches to the assessment and management of a person with tendinopathy. This knowledge will also provide the clinician with the knowledge to sift through all the treatment options in the literature and on the internet, to be able to provide the right advice to their clients. In order to make this an interactive webinar, all participants will receive three articles. In preparation for this webinar you have to send us five questions about these articles. All these questions will be bundled and will be answered during the webinar.


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