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Physiotherapy of the Spine

kosten: 399
Vakdomein: Manueel
Accreditatiepunten: 30
Cursusvorm: Online cursus

Our course Orthopedic Physiotherapy of the Spine offers a fantastic learning opportunity for all levels of physiotherapists, manual therapists and osteopaths: students, starting therapist and experienced clinicians who want to broaden and deepen their knowledge to become better in treating patients with spinal complaints today. No prerequisites required!

This course will enable you to become confident in screening, assessing and treating the most common pathologies in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine based on the very latest evidence from 440 research articles.

For each pathology, you will be able to:

  • understand the pathophysiology of each disease
  • learn how to use incidence, prevalence and other epidemiological data to help you raise suspicion for a certain hypothesis
  • screen for a pattern of red flags that is typical for the respective spinal region
  • judge its course based on  prognostic factors & learn which negative factors should be targeted by therapy
  • recognize clinical signs & symptoms to strengthen your hypotheses
  • form a diagnosis and conduct special testing
  • Tailor your treatment approach to your patient’s goals and needs based on the latest evidence

The content constantly refers to the latest research and science so you know your skills are up to date. Furthermore, you will develop a clinical pattern for each pathology during the course. Do it well and you walk away with a valuable resource to use during your studies or in the clinic.

Furthermore, the course includes short interactive video quizzes in each unit, a total of 3 case studies that you can use to practice differential diagnosis per region, and 3 chapter quizzes to assess your learning process and to solidify your newly acquired knowledge! Submitting these assignments will award you credits you can redeem for solutions to the case studies.


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